Author: Esther Jimenez
F for Fake, Orson Welles (1976)
An Autumn Afternoon, Yasujirō Ozu (1966)
Bonobo-No reason, Oscar Hudson (2017)
Strange & Familiar: Architecture On Fogo Island, Connolly&Knight (2015)
Her, Spike Jonze (2013)
Nostalghia, Andrei Tarkovsky (1983)
AKIRA, Katsuhiro Otomo (1988)
The Phantom of Liberty, Luis Buñuel (1974)
Themroc, Claude Faraldo (1973)
Radiant City, Gary Burns&Jim Brown (2007)
The Absent Column, Alexander Doerr (2013)
The Lady from Shanghai, Orson Welles (1947)
Highrise, Katerina Cizek (2009)
Mulholland Drive, David Lynch (2002)
Citizen Architect, Sam Wainwright Douglas (2010)
Run, Akira Kurosawa (1986)
The Spirit of the Beehive, Víctor Erice (1973)
Manhattan, Woody Allen (1979)
Interstellar, Christopher Nolan (2014)
The Conformist, Bernardo Bertolucci (1970)
The Apartment, Billy Wilder (1960)
Dogville, Lars von Trier (2003)
Death in Venice, Luchino Visconti (1971)
La Jetée, Chris Marker (1966)
True Stories, David Byrne (1986)
‘REM’, Tomas Koolhaas (2016)
The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson (2014)
High Rise, Ben Wheatley (2016)
Rear Window Timelapse, Jeff Desom
Coma, Michael Crichton (1978)
Barbican|Urban Poetry, Joe Gilbert (2015)
Goodfellas, Martin Scorsese (1990)
The Forgotten Space, Allan Sekula&Noël Burch (2012)
Orpheus, Jean Cocteau (1950)
Persona, Ingmar Bergman (1966)
Blow-up, Michelangelo Antonioni (1966)
Fahrenheit 451, François Truffaut (1966)
Wates House, Daniel Cotton (2014)
Glasgow 1980 (1971)
Othello, Orson Welles (1952)
Wes Anderson//From Above, Kogonada
Red Desert, Michelangelo Antonioni (1964)
The Seventh Seal, Ingmar Bergman (1957)
The Face of Another, Hiroshi Teshigahara (1966)
Havana: The New Art of Making Ruins
Infinite Space: The Architecture of John Lautner
A Day in the Life of Sukima Atelier
Mies Van Der Rohe – Architecture as Language
By Alexandre Favre